Monday, April 5, 2010

how to install ansys10

1)explore the cd drive. copy crack folder from the drive and paste it in your system D drive. (assuming that v r installing ansys in D drive) if there is no crack folder in your cd drive means look for folder magnitude in your drive. copy it in D drive and rename the folder as "crack for ansys" for ur reference.
2) open the file ansys.dat with note pad. u can find "SERVER TT 000AE4F017F9 1055" in first line.minimize and keep this
3) goto ur cd drive. u can find a file "win host id" double click and open the file. u can find host name and flex id. of ur system.
4) now look in step 2 , in that minimised not pad file. replace ur host name for "tt" and ur flex id instead of "000AE4F017F9" donot change 1055. it is your port no for ansys. now save that file.
5) now click keygen file in crack folder. a new file will be created. "license" rename the file as "license1"
6) now goto ansys cd drive and explore it. click setup and install ansys. giving destination. and all details.... later at the end of installation u will be asked. "is this a license serving machine." click yes. then it will prompt is do u have a license or create a license. goto "have a license". now it'll ask for license fill. browse the file "license1" and give ok... it'll install....
7)reboot ur system and click ansys shortcut in desktop/startmenu... enjoy.. :-)

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